Special message to our Customers from BW Broadcast

Special message to our Customers from BW Broadcast

We want to share a special statement with you from one the industry leaders, BW Broadcast. They have been in business for decades and provide innovative low-power FM transmission equipment, processors and more!

“BW transmitters are popular.

So popular, it turns out, that some mischievous little scamps are selling stolen BW equipment as legitimately owned, or cheap copies of BW products and claiming they’re the real deal.

Some other little rascals are advertising BW products at unrealistically low prices in order to entice customers to try to place an order for BW product, only to be told that ‘it’s just sold out’, then to be invited to buy an inferior product that’s claimed as being ‘just as good’. 

We’ve even heard of some incorrigible rogues just outright copying our designs using inferior materials and putting their own brand name on it. 

Now, we know they say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but that doesn’t wash with us, in fact, it’s enough to make you blue in the face, especially when you see an ocean of inferior copies.

So please take care – only BW products purchased from authorized BW suppliers are legitimate BW gear with a BW warranty. You can contact us to check if the someone selling you BW equipment is authorized, or you can check this link for a list of authorized suppliers. 

If the names not on the list, then they are not authorized to sell BW equipment, and any BW equipment you may get from them has no BW warranty or guarantee, and if you want to check if the item you have is a genuine and legitimately owned BW product, just contact us with the serial number and we’ll check for you.

So, in summary, unless you’ve bought your items from an authorized BW supplier, it’s possibly not genuine, maybe stolen and definitely not warrantied and if anyone’s offering you a price that seems too good to be true, that’ll be because it’s not.”

Kind Regards

Tina Tucker

BW Broadcast

“In the years since it was founded, the BW Broadcast brand has become internationally recognized as a supplier of high quality, affordable FM broadcasting equipment. Put simply, if you know FM at all, you’ll have heard of BW.”

Check out BW Broadcast’s About Us page for more on their story https://www.bwbroadcast.com/about-us.

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